Tarasov School of Management. Vladimir Tarasov

“Thank you very much for the information provided in the course! I received very extensive additional information to add to my current understanding. Thanks to this course, I became more attentive to people with a different picture of the world. I never even thought about this before. I will definitely recommend this course to my friends and partners! Postscript: And also after completing your course, I thought about the future generation and enrolled my eldest child in Vladimir Tarasov’s Business Camp for Children using technology, which will be held this summer! I’ll say it again, thank you very much!”

Pestov Boris Vladimirovich, Director

“The information in this particular course was quite general in nature, defining the guidelines and main characteristics of two business figures, the manager and the subordinate. There are practically no specific techniques that can be applied in practice in this course; basic knowledge is given, there are interesting examples, and a vector is given to which one must strive as a leader and subordinate. I really liked the teaching system of this course. Firstly, this is an excellent example of distance education. Secondly, the very principle of work, which is at the same time a teaching element, when you learn to formulate your answer correctly, it is clear for other students. In the process of such an exchange of opinions, you get a broad vision of this issue, you learn the reaction of other people to your opinion , you learn to accept criticism and reasoned defense of your position. I will certainly recommend the courses of this school to my friends and will most likely continue my studies in the next course in the near future.”

Lolla Alfonsovna Kiseleva, Retail Network Development Director

“The course information was very useful for me. I already use some of the data in my work and am happy to recommend taking this course to all managers and those who want to become a manager. Many thanks to Alexander for the wonderful course and Premium Management for such a training system. In my opinion, this is one of the best approaches to organizing online training.”

Sergey Shcherbina, General Director of Private Research and Production Enterprise "Aton"

“Great course! I found answers to many of my questions. Some hypotheses that I formed intuitively were confirmed in the form of a systematic approach. It seems like nothing new, but in a new way. Practice, and Russian... I definitely recommend this course to my colleagues. And, somehow, I decided for myself that all employees of the commercial division of my company should take this course. A little disappointed with the reward for a good result. I would like a good result (TOP-3, TOP-10, TOP-20) to give access to something closed from others. Now I'm ranked among the worst. After all, the worst have the same thing as me. Somehow it's not fair. I continue my studies at school... Thank you!”

Myznikov Alexey Vladimirovich, General Director

“The information from the course really helped to overcome the complexes and misconceptions that I had regarding delegation. First of all, understand that I am a leader and this is also a job. I have to work a lot with customers and business owners. Previously, I paid 80% of my attention to them and 20% to the work of my subordinates. As a result, clients received a product of insufficiently good quality, and I placed all the blame on the performers and got stuck when switching between projects. Thanks to the course, I was able to relieve myself, improve the quality of my work and finally find time for my development and my family. I recommend the course to all my colleagues. I would especially like to note the format of crowd training. When I read books by A.S. Friedman, I skipped questions for analysis, but in vain. This is where you start to think about them; receiving feedback from colleagues helps a lot. Separately, I will say that it doesn’t take much time to answer and homework can be easily fit into the schedule.”

Yana Uginova, Project manager, IT

“After completing the course I feel matured and wiser. The course concerns not only management in its working sense, but also relationships in general with others - children, family. I was able to look at many things from a completely different perspective. The knowledge that Vladimir Konstantinovich conveys is truly priceless. I really want to personally shake hands with this wonderful man! As for the organization of training, everything is beyond praise. Both the methodology and the format are all interesting and lively!”

Kogan Denis Vitalievich, Head of the Asia-Pacific Development Department

“I would like to thank Vladimir Konstantinovich Tarasov for that unforgettable journey into the world of knowledge that I was lucky enough to go on 10 months ago. The course has come to an end and I feel that I have become stronger. Most of the negotiations (and negotiations are a big part of my work), which I would not have even dared to go to before, have turned from problems into interesting tasks, and sometimes almost into a game... . I can’t say that I somehow became very rich in money from this knowledge, but the fact that my income began to increase is a fact. At least by the amount that this course costs, my monthly income has increased, but in the current economic situation there was a risk of losing all income altogether. It turned out that investing in your own knowledge is quite profitable. It is also important that a kind of sincere interest in people and their pictures of the world, unknown to me before, awoke inside me. Understanding the worldview of my interlocutor has acquired the status of a new Value, whereas before this category simply did not exist for me and my interlocutors feel it. Other new values ​​began to be created inside - a whole system of them, which in general does not directly relate to money, but perfectly helps to solve issues related to money - this is still a business course. The best business course."

Shikhov Ivan Igorevich, General Director

“I would like to say a huge thank you to the author of the course, Vladimir Konstantinovich, for a high-quality and extremely useful intellectual product. I have no doubt that the entire team of like-minded people took an active part in working on the course, and I can say for myself that it was great! Regular classes, practical examples and most importantly, an active learning process - this really sets this course apart from others. I wish you prosperity and look forward to new, interesting courses!”

Ivan Galaktionov, head of department

“Thank you so much for your Help! Sometimes life circumstances develop in such a way that you really want to quit the race, because it seems that you have no strength... But listening to the lectures, these forces returned and gained their juices... each phrase was a drop of life-giving moisture on the parched earth. This course helped not only in my professional life, it became a support in solving some personal problems. I really regret that when I went to the fights for the first time in 1998, I was scared and didn’t come again... I was going to attend lectures many times and..." I was embarrassed"... to seem stupid... Many thanks to Vladimir Konstantinovich for this course, because the lectures are filled with centuries-old Wisdom and many thanks to you for publishing the books!”

Laanela Svetlana Olegovna

“To begin with, I would like to thank the staff of the online school for organizing the training and personally Vladimir Konstantinovich for the information provided about real life processes taking place in society. The goal of the training was to improve my understanding of what is happening around me in everyday life, what motivates masses of people and individuals in different life situations. And the ability to manage is already a consequence. In most cases, awareness of a particular life situation occurs some time after completing a topic. But there are no lecture notes. If I had known, I would have taken notes, although this would have significantly increased the time spent (the theoretical part). At the university where I received my higher education (specialty - materials science in mechanical engineering), only in my specialty, at the insistence of the head. department, the subject was “fundamentals of technical creativity.” All the students did not take the subject seriously. He was about nothing, and at the same time about everything. Years later, I sometimes look at my notes and often find answers to current issues. “The meaning of any action lies beyond its boundaries.” So the provided summary would be a good assistant in life. I would even trade my diploma for it. Thank you."

Kochin Vladimir Fedorovich, entrepreneur

Description of activity

Manager interview

The founder and director of the Online School, Vladimir Tarasov, tells

Executive.ru:How long has the company been on the market?What results have you achieved over the past time?

Vladimir Tarasov: Our company has been operating since 2013. Over the more than four years of the school's existence, we have achieved considerable success. But this is just the beginning. We managed to form an efficient, competent, conflict-free team focused on quality work. The online school has proven itself well, and students are satisfied with our product.

Executive.ru:In what direction did you start your activity?

V.T.: We started our activities, continue and develop them in the field of distance business education. The main direction is management.

Executive.ru:How would you characterize your activities?

V.T.: The goal of our activity is to quickly and intelligently satisfy people's needs for management knowledge. Time is compressed, so it is very important to satisfy these needs efficiently and in a relatively short time, reducing the time frame from years of study to months. We are one step ahead of the market, but people do not always immediately recognize the need for management knowledge. In other words, our supply is ahead of consumer demand.

Executive.ru: Will you be exploring new areas of business?

V.T.: We'll go deeper into what we do. We have a million-dollar market in front of us that doesn’t know that it needs us, and we don’t know who is personally interested in us. Therefore, our task is to build a bridge between the two sides, and we are doing this. There is progress, right now we are looking for a better way to “build a bridge” that could be applied and improved.

Executive.ru: Who is your main target audience? For what size and industry companies are your services primarily intended?

V.T.: Since our services are necessary for a company of any size, they are primarily intended for managers interested in staff training. It is necessary to send employees for training to a manager who has the following characteristics: interest in his own managerial growth and trust in our company.

Executive.ru: What do you think underlies the company's success?

V.T.: Today, many companies teach management, but in the practice of most of them there is no clarity in the understanding that the socio-technological approach is the most effective and efficient way to manage any company. There is no use for it in such a pure form as we have. As they say, “the scalpel must be sharp, regardless of the doctor’s professionalism.” The success of our company is due to the fact that our “scalpel” is really sharp.

Executive.ru: What are the company's development plans for the coming years?

V.T.: Build a “bridge” between us and an audience of millions. So that this path turns into a road, then into a highway, then into a highway, and so on.

Executive.ru: What trends could you note in the market?

V.T.: Due to the fact that the whole world is in a fever, bureaucrats, and not outstanding individuals, have come to control, all companies are limited in budget and want to get quick results. They demand this from managers, and they demand this from staff. Managers are looking for training companies that can give them strong assurance that their training investment will bring profit to the organization.

The very structure of business and management is changing. On the one hand, consolidation and monopolization are now taking place in the Russian-speaking market: large firms are crowding out small ones. On the other hand, the general trend is towards the decomposition of large companies, since they are good for power capture, but bad for delivering high quality work. Therefore, both disintegration and consolidation are inevitable characteristics of the market.

Today a “glass wall” is being built around the Russian-speaking market. This is connected with the attitude towards Russia, and therefore towards Russians, and towards the Russian language, and towards the territory. This also introduces certain specifics of the market, but it is too early to talk about it.

Executive.ru: How has the economic crisis affected your company?

V.T.: No way, since she was born in an economic crisis. The company is young, it is only four years old. Now many start-up organizations that enter the market do not know what a crisis is. We heard the name, but did not see another life. Maybe they will see it, it’s hard to say, since world processes today are not optimistic.

Executive.ru: What are your main competitive advantages both as a professional company and as an employer?

V.T.: Our main advantage is the absence of falsehood between employer and employee. Our company is interested in the growth of managers and the company as a whole. There are always internal problems; there are no ideal relationships within a company. This is fine. But they don't play a big role if the company grows. When everything goes up, salaries and competencies increase, and the responsibility of employees increases. When everything grows, nothing falls apart, no one leaves. After all, you won’t jump off a running train in order to ride a bus.

Executive.ru: Let's talk about the inner life of your company. How did you build your corporate culture? By what principles? How do you communicate these principles to employees?

V.T.: The company is young. I think the corporate culture has not yet developed; it is too early to talk about it.

If we talk about my own methods of conveying corporate principles to employees, I prefer to do this through precedents, that is, by making decisions in a specific situation. Of course, for beginners it is important to know in words some fundamental principles in order to knock on the “right” door. Not the one that leads outside, but into the depths of the company. Of course, we need theory and conversations. But in the end, precedent wins.

If an organization is being built, the corporate culture should be firmly established, otherwise it will be something false. Therefore, my style is this: I delve deeply into issues of ethics and honesty. In technical matters I can be careless, but in relation to ethics I always try to be very careful. This is how corporate culture is built. Basic theories can be said in an interview, but the fact of building a culture lies solely through precedent.

Executive.ru: What are the requirements, general and specific, for candidates applying for a job in the company?

V.T.: Expertise – a person must be a good specialist in his field. Honesty and integrity, sincere interest in what our company does, desire to develop, focus on results and quality work.

Executive.ru: What is the ideal employee of your company like?

V.T.: An ideal employee for our company should first of all understand where he works and know the company’s values. His second quality is the desire to grow. Our company is constantly developing, and if an employee does not develop with it, he will not be able to realize his potential within its framework.

On this issue, I share the point of view of the outstanding teacher Sukhomlinsky. He argued that there are no children who are not talented in some way.

Every child in the class has some kind of talent, and the teacher’s task is to find an area where he can best demonstrate his abilities. Do not divide students into best, average and poor. For example, one fishes better than everyone else, another draws, a third sings, and so on. If the teacher did not find an area where the student could be the best, the first, so that he would be proud of it, and for this he would be respected by other students, he has failed in his task.

These principles apply to leaders as well. He must find for each employee an area in which he could grow, do something better than anyone else, and thereby earn the respect of the team. If a worker does not excel in any area and his job can be done by anyone, he will be temporary.

Our company definitely does not need an employee who pulls the “blanket” on himself. This cannot be done, it is a very “short-sighted” manner. If you don't pull the blanket over yourself, you will be warmer later. Of course, it's already warm now. However, there is a good rule - people care about the person who cares about others!

Executive.ru: Does your company have any unique methods or approaches to training and development? Tell us about them, please.

V.T.: We use the unique proprietary CROWD-TRAINING technology for our product. Deep study radically distinguishes such training from any other online courses. Our employees also have the opportunity to attend company courses and develop their competencies and skills.

Executive.ru: HR managers are often accused of being “terribly far from the people.” In your opinion, why did such a belief arise? How to avoid this situation?

V.T.: To be a good HR manager, a person needs to have management skills. If he does not have such competencies, it will be very difficult to work in this position.

This is the background story. Mostly psychologists were employed in the HR manager category. I have nothing against psychology as a science. But I want to note that science and technology are completely different structures, different directions. Science answers the question “why?”, and technology answers the question “how?”. A leader or manager must be able to answer the question “how to do it?”, and scientists understand “why it didn’t work out.”

Since psychology is a science, not a technology, a graduate psychologist takes a professional and moral position: “I will tell you why, what and how, and you will make the decision. I won’t make decisions, and, it turns out, I won’t be responsible for them either. Because I am a representative of science. I can explain, and not tell you what to do, because then I will have to answer for it.”

And the point is not that the psychologist does not like to be responsible for his actions. His professional position prohibits him from making decisions. He can suggest, for example: “This person has certain qualities. But the decision whether to hire him or not is up to you.” A psychologist cannot say: “Be sure to take this person because...”. This is not the position of a psychologist, but rather of a social technologist.

It so happened that HR managers were staffed with two channels:

  • psychologists (a priori, not social technologists: science and technology are completely different structures, different directions. Science (psychology) answers the question “why?”, and technology answers the question “how?”. A leader, manager must be able to answer the question “ how to do it?”, and scientists figure out “why it didn’t work”)
  • “retired” managers (are not psychologists, have experience communicating with people, but have an insufficient worldview and a small horizon in relation to people). These managers know “how it was”, but do not understand “what today requires.”

These two recruitment channels for the position of HR managers are not very successful.

Western psychologists are more technologically inclined and their training was more pragmatic. They can answer the question “how?” There is a competition between technologies, not people, like ours.

Executive.ru:Tell us about the most interesting and effective trainings and programs that your company offers.

V.T.: All courses are conducted using the unique CROWD TRAINING training technology:

INLadimir Tarasov. "Personal management art"
Streams start every 3 months: March 1 / June 1 September 1 / December 1
Duration: 10 months (140 academic hours)
Upon completion - diploma from the Tallinn School of Managers

Vladimir Tarasov. Management: leadership and subordination.
As a result, managers and employees will better understand each other and “look in the same direction”
Duration: 2 months

Alexander Friedman. Series of online courses:
You or Chaos: professional planning for regular management; Implementation of chaos management: how to change a chaotic corporate culture;
Delegation: the result through the hands of employees;
Control and coordination: how to ensure the implementation of delegated work; Managing the choice of subordinates: synchronizing key paradigms.
Duration of each course: 2 months

Sergey Azimov. Sales. Negotiation.
Preparation of specific speech templates for sales negotiations Duration: 2 months

Lev Lester. Business negotiations: secrets of mastery.
Tactics and strategy for business negotiations
Duration: 2 months

News (9)

December 06, 2018 The management wrestling championship was held in Irkutsk

The main task of management duels is to prepare highly qualified negotiators who can resolve any issue in a civilized manner in a short time.

December 03, 2018 Negotiation business coach Lev Lester has released three new books

New books will provide real assistance to all those who take part in business negotiations: managers, businessmen, sales specialists.

Founded: 2013

Vladimir Konstantinovich Tarasov is the organizer and director of the Tallinn School of Managers, the first business school in the territory of the former USSR.

Books (4)

Principles of life. Horizontal career

Horizontal careers are stages of professional excellence. The ability to do something that others cannot do. These are knowledge and skills that are inside a person, which cannot be taken away as quickly as you can remove stars from shoulder straps.

The art of management struggle

Each of us daily finds ourselves involved in a variety of situations related to the struggle for the right to control what is happening and manage circumstances. If we want to achieve success in our actions, we must overcome the conscious or unintentional resistance of others, fulfill our obligations, and defend our interests and beliefs.

Each of us rules the world, although perhaps we do it poorly. A stone on the road drives the cart. The child, not yet able to speak, already controls his parents. It's not a shame to rule the world, it's a shame to do it poorly. You can control everything and everyone, in any situation and from anywhere, you just need to know how.

This book offers the reader a universal system of effective managerial behavior, a kind of “philosophy of life”, decorated with legends and parables, connecting the wisdom of ancient traditions with the latest achievements of psychology and management.

Russian lessons of Japanese koans

Zen koans are short stories whose meaning cannot be comprehended based on rational logic; these are not just parables, meditation on which, according to the Zen masters, should lead to enlightenment, but also a unique source of managerial wisdom.

In his new book, Vladimir Tarasov comments on classic Zen koans, helping us learn lessons about effective management from ancient texts. After reading this book, you will learn to intuitively understand reality in order to solve seemingly insoluble problems, and use the secrets of the great Zen masters to achieve personal and corporate goals.

Technology of life. Book for heroes

“This book is addressed to everyone living in this world now and to those who will live in a thousand years. But there is a special category of people for whom it is intended primarily, although such people are few in number. This is a book for heroes. For those people who want to remake their country or the whole world. and they want to do it, as it seems to them, quite disinterestedly.”

Reader comments

Igor/ 03/17/2017 The book Technology of Life is one of the most powerful books I’ve read, I’ve definitely re-read it more than 5 times, also management struggle and Japanese koans, books are heavy only for reading in one gulp, if after each chapter of the story you think about the book, it will be such inspiration and inspiration for you a lesson that you will never forget it.

Sergey/ 01/31/2016 Very strong - BOOK FOR HEROES. Author 5+, great benefit to society!!!

Marina/ 12/23/2014 I tried to read about Russian Zen. Did not like. There is a lot of empty word-making, on the basis of which serious conclusions are formulated. Total sophistry.

Eugene/ 01/09/2013 I read “Principles of Life”. The first 2 chapters were very interesting. The third chapter is simply a plagiarism of Sun Tzu's The Art of War. The fourth chapter is a partial duplication of the first three chapters. Overall the book is decent, but only halfway decent.

Climbing/ 01/01/2013 The book “Principles of Life. Horizontal Career” does not exist; under the link to it, “Technology of Life. A Book for Heroes” is duplicated. “Horizontal Career” is one of its chapters.

Alexander/ 11/30/2012 First I started reading “The Book for Heroes.” I didn’t understand anything and quit (it turned out I wasn’t ready). Then I read “The Art of Managerial Struggle” and “Management According to Machiavelli.” After reading these books, "A Book for Heroes" finally reached me and became my favorite book. I re-read it 10 times, each time discovering something new.

Vladimir Tarasov is the best business coach in Russia according to professional ratings. He is the founder of a new vector in management - the art of managerial struggle, which is currently used by all top coaches and teachers. His original concepts of “Business Camp” and “Managerial Duel”, developed back in the mid-80s, are still relevant and are fundamental for many.

Vladimir Tarasov's methods show dizzying results. And it’s not surprising, because he has been working in management for more than 40 years. Over the years, thousands of entrepreneurs and politicians have passed through his training.

Following modern trends, in 2013 Vladimir Tarasov opened the Premium Management Online School, where his online courses and trainings and other specialists are conducted. Here everyone can get acquainted with his books, take part in free webinars and start learning professional business remotely using his proprietary technologies.

And we can say with confidence that this is the coach who gave a start in life to many entrepreneurs and, if you want to achieve success, then the knowledge and experience of Vladimir Tarasov will undoubtedly be useful to you.

WITH 7 to 9 July training will take place in the Moscow region With Otoday one of the most famous Russian business coaches and managers of our time - Vladimir Tarasov. Join and master the course “Personal Management Art” for successful interaction with business partners and subordinates.

For whom: for the best MG curators and members of the Business Youth community.

Vladimir Tarasov- one of the most famous Russian business trainers and managers of our time. Head of the Tallinn School of Managers - the first school that began teaching management back in the Soviet Union. Author of the books “The Art of Management Struggle”, “Book for Heroes” and many others.

Training program

The course is designed to familiarize entrepreneurs and top managers with fundamental management mechanisms, techniques and methods of successful interaction with business partners and subordinates.

The course program includes the following topics and questions.


  • Area of ​​immediate development
  • Be, not seem to be
  • Big goal, Path and date of death
  • The art of telling yourself the truth
  • The picture of the world and the joy of failure
  • Solid and Empty
  • Details and Trifles
  • Constructive attitude towards people
  • Cooperation and struggle


Mastery of basic management mechanisms allows you to effectively manage from any social position.

  • Creating conditions
  • Domination
  • Imitation
  • Delegation
  • World picture management
  • Information distancing
  • Leadership
  • Administration


There is a minimum set of functions that any manager must possess in order to achieve controllability of subordinates:

  • Development of order (order, disorder, disorganization, simplified order, discipline)
  • Bringing order to the attention of subordinates in various ways (personally and in person, through an intermediary, impersonally, precedents, hazing)
  • Control over the implementation of the order (unsystematic control, selective control, system of control points)
  • Authorization based on control results (synchronous, advanced, delayed and selective)
  • Dismissal as the ultimate punishment (explication of reasons, warning, internal decision-making, interview, recording)


  • Technical, technological, economic. normative, personalized and latent structures)
  • Forecasting progressive development (anticipating systemic achievements and conflicts)
  • Vision as intuitive sensory forecasting (simplification of the picture of the future world)
  • Forward planning (alternative planning and vertical synergy)
  • Innovation (synchronous change in the worldview, reorganization resource, innovation strategy, main roles)
  • The role of organizational scale and corporate ethics
  • Using management duels to develop strategic thinking

Peter Osipov:

« There are two periods in a person’s life: before reading Vladimir Tarasov’s books and after. This Rubicon is known to everyone who has come into contact with its great knowledge. Vladimir Tarasov is our great teacher. Teacher of life. For a long time I was afraid to meet him, because he is one of the people I most respect.”

Not everyone will go: The Master Group Council will select the best, the most experienced, the strongest: those who are ready to make a leap to a new level. Achieve even more outstanding results.

In addition to places for curators, we still have 30 paid places for interested Community members. That's not a lot. The next training of Vladimir Tarasov will not be earlier than December 2014. And it’s not a fact that you will be able to get there. Therefore, we recommend that you take great care to have time to attend his training together with the best BM curators in July.

More detailed information about the venue will be communicated later to registered participants (it will be near Moscow, outside the city).

Cost of participation in the program:

For selected curators, participation in the training by Vladimir Tarasov free. However, you will need to cover the cost of staying at the hotel where the training will take place. Thanks for understanding!